Absorbent Dressing 5cm x 5cm (4 Packs x 25pcs) Stockists
<p>Steropad Absorbent Dressing has a perforated film surface, which prevents the pad from sticking to the wound.</p><p>It may be used for postoperative wounds or in fist aid for burns, lacerations and grazes. The pad can therefore be removed painlessly and with out damaging the healing wound.</p><p>Steropod's highly absorbent construction helps draw unwanted moisture away from the wound whilst providing cushioned protection.</p><p>Available in a range of sizes, in easy to use peel pouches, Steropad should be applied film side to the wound the bandaged or taped into position.</p><p><em>>strong>Features:</strong></em>>br/>Ready to use <br/>Sterile <br/>Individually wrapped <br/>Low adherent <br/>Cushioned protection <br/>Highly absorbent <br/>Size: 5cm x 5cm<br/>Pack Quantity: 4 boxes x 25pcs<br/></p>
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