Jever Pilsener German Pils 500ml Bottles - 4.9% ABV (12 Pack) Stockists
Jever Pilsener German Pils 500ml Bottles - 4.9% ABV A perfect Pilsener to sit back and relax with, Jever typifies the very dry style of pilsener from Friesland in the north-west corner of Germany. Unique in taste, Jever is one of the finest German pilseners out there. Bright gold and sparkling clear, Jever’s high carbonation gives an attractive appearance as well as a clean, crisp finish. Grassy and floral notes are accompanied by a distinct graininess. Jever is very thirst quenching thanks to its long dry finish and firm bitterness. This Jever Pilsener is collectively packed in a sturdy and safe Beer Hunter branded box ready for delivery.
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