Premium Black ECoat Dog Crates Stockists

Premium Black ECoat Dog Crates Stockists

Premium Black ECoat Dog Crates Premium E-coat finish Black Dog cratesnbspThese Crates Now Come With a Free Crate Mat Worth at Least pound399Only while stocks lastnbspnbspOur Premium range are made from heavier gauge wirenbspTop Quality Premium Fold Flat Wire Black Dog Cages with strong durable finish Small 24quotL x 18quotW x 21quotH nbspnbsp Size guideToy Poodle King Charles Westie lhasa apso Bichon Frise Chihuahua Boston Terrier Fox Terrier Jack Russell Maltese Terrier Manchester Terrier Norfolk Terrier Norwich Terrier Cairn terrier Papillon Pomeranian Yorkshire Terrier also suitable for small and medium puppiesWeight 67 KGMedium 30quotL x 21quotw x 24quotH nbspnbspSize GuideDachshundstandard Bedlington terrier Minature Poodle Shetland sheepdog Scottie Corgi Whippet Cocker spaniel French Bulldog Beagle and also medium PuppiesWeight 855 KGIntermediate 36quotL x 24quotW x 27quotH nbspnbsp Size GuideBull terrier English Bulldog Springer spaniel Basset hound Staffordshire bull terrier Whippet Brittany spaniel Welsh springer spaniel and also larger puppiesWeight 1065 KGExtra Large 42quotL x 28quotW x 31quotH nbspSize GuideBorder Collie Boxer Dalmatian golden Retriever Labrador Airedale Bearded CollieWeight 1385 KGGiant 48quotL x 30quotW x 33quotHnbspSize GuideDoberman German Shepherd Old english sheepdog Rottweiler Great Dane Bullmastif AfghanWeight 162 KGnbspWhite bed in image not included

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