VENOSAN® RESOXX® Sports Compression Socks 25mmHg Stockists
VENOSAN® RESOXX® Sports Compression Socks 25mmHgSportscompression socksresulting fromdecades ofexperienceandexpertise in the production of medical compressionstockings. We combinethisknowledgewith a patentedand testedpressure pointenergy technology called SupportEnergy Point(SEP).This is the first time we have produced any sports compression socks utilizing the know-howof the world leaderVENOSAN® combined withthe to create a premium sports sock worthy of any sport.TheVENOSAN RESOXX®Sport Compression Socksboastultramoderndesignby usinghigh-tech fibers,a specialknitting processanda simple design, whichperfectlymeets the needsof the athlete.TheVENOSAN® RESOXX® Sports compression socks feature aspecially tuned graduated compression from the ankle areaup.Thisacceleratesthe blood circulationin the legand calf.Therefore amaximumpressure on theankleabout 25mmHg. This featurehelps athletesquickly reducemetabolicsubstances (eg,lactate)andthe muscle fibersare suppliedwith fresh,oxygen-rich bloodfaster.
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